Experience the coolest adventures with VR Experience
With the VR Experience, you get to play 45+ different games.
Wat is VR Experience?

Keuze uit 45+ VR Games

Diverse genres

Kies je eigen games
VR Experience
In ons VRcafe hebben we maar liefst acht speelvelden! Wil je een headset delen of ga je voor je eigen VR-bril? Met je eigen headset haal je het maximale uit je speeltijd en kun je lekker samen spelen.
If you share the VR glasses, you'll have to be patient while your friends play, but it's kinder on your wallet. And believe us, watching along on the big screen with a drink in hand is a treat too!
- Large and small groups
- Active + relaxing games
- 45+ games
From €29,95
From €29,95

All games together te beleven zijn!

We 100% wireless zijn

het geschikt is voor alle leeftijden
Top VR Games
At the VRcafe, we offer a wide range of awesome VR Experience games that are hugely popular. From the rhythmic Beat Saber, where you have to beat the beat with lightsabers, to the adventurous Elven Assassin, where you fight dragons and trolls as an elf. Our collection contains the latest and most exciting VR games that you can enjoy alone or with friends.

More tijd , meer avontuur!
Haal alles uit je VR-ervaring met extra speeltijd! Kies voor 90 minuten (of meer) en haal alles uit je VR-ervaring. Tijd gaat sneller dan je denkt!
Per VR headset
60 min
90 min
120 min
Kortingsdagen bij VRcafe!
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, for only €29,95, openen we de deuren naar universums waar je anders alleen maar van kon dromen. Of je nu een ervaren VR-reiziger bent of voor het eerst de stap waagt, dit is je kans om volledig op te gaan in de ervaring zonder je zorgen te maken over de kosten. Meer info op onze prijzenpagina!
From €29,95

Google Reviews
Super middag gehad met mijn zoontje! Erg leuk en heel erg fijne mensen die goed begeleiden! Shout out naar Tom :) Kiki Vermeulen2023-06-01 Bedankt voor het zeer geslaagde verjaardagsfeest voor onze dochter die 12 geworden is en met 8 vriendinnen kwam gamen. Don en zijn collega deden het geweldig qua begeleiding, maar zeker ook als gastheer met lekkere drankjes en hapjes. Ik heb zelf niet gespeeld, maar alleen al kijken naar die meiden was een feest! Gamen in duo’s met 1 bril was perfect en we konden het VR café goed op de fiets bereiken, waardoor we geen vriendinnen hoefden teleur te stellen, ze konden allemaal mee! Chantal van Liefland2023-05-25 Ik ben onlangs bij het VR Café geweest, en ik moet zeggen dat het een ervaring was die ik niet snel zal vergeten. Vanaf het moment dat ik binnenstapte, werd ik omringd door een sfeer van opwinding en anticipatie. De inrichting was modern en uitnodigend, en het personeel was ontzettend vriendelijk en behulpzaam. Bij aankomst kreeg ik een korte introductie over het gebruik van de VR-headsets en de bijbehorende controllers. Het personeel nam de tijd om ervoor te zorgen dat ik me comfortabel voelde en alle basisfuncties begreep. Ik waardeerde hun geduld en deskundigheid enorm. Het VR Café bood een indrukwekkende selectie van games en ervaringen aan, variërend van meeslepende avonturen tot ontspannende verkenningstochten. Don Zandbergen2023-05-15 The VR Cafe in Haarlem was an absolute blast! We had the time of our lives with a group of 9 yo boys. The friendly staff made us feel at home, and the VR experience was mind-blowing. The top-notch equipment transported us to incredible virtual worlds, while the staff's patience and enthusiasm added an extra level of enjoyment. Highly recommended for an unforgettable adventure with friends! Angie Misiag2023-05-13 My kid had his birthday here with a group of 11 kids and everything went great. Thanks to the guys running the place. ft2023-05-13 Awesome experience. Definitely a recommendation. Ask for Kenneth, he is the best VR guide 🔥✅ DJ Allstar2023-05-12 Very nice experience. We were introduced to the VR gaming by Jeroen, who had no problem with explaining everything in english. Very friendly guy, always ready to help and giving handy tips. I recommend 1h for the beginners to get to know the way it works and then coming back for more. In general super fun! Dorota Z2023-04-29 Aanrader voor een kinderfeestje! Wij hebben met een groep 8 en 9-jarigen een super leuke ochtend gehad. De 90 minuten vlogen voorbij. Sanne Maarschalkerweerd2023-04-03 Leuk verjaardags partijtje gehad, de jongens weten wat ze doen en heel rekaxed. Fijn dat er ook ander vermaak is voor de ‘wachtende’ groep! Gulita Ginsel2023-03-11
FAQ - Boeken
The VRCafe is the go-to place to get acquainted with Virtual Reality gaming. You can play over 45 VR games when you book a VR Experience, or try out our VR Laser Tag, VR Escape Rooms and VR Racing. And if you’re ready for a VR Break, come relax with a drink and a snack (these are real, though!) while you catch up with your friends and family. You can also challenge someone to a game of air hockey or enjoy some timeless classics at our arcades.
When you book the VR Experience , then you can play more than 45 VR games . Furthermore, you can do VR Laser Tag and VR Racing.
In need of a VR break? Then relax with a snack and a drink while you catch up with your friends and family. Challenge someone to a game of air field hockey or play classics through the arcades.
Yes, you can cancel or modify your booking through the website or by contacting us. Please note that there may be cancellation fees depending on how much time you cancel or modify before the scheduled booking. You can also opt to purchase cancellation insurance directly with your booking.
In general, gaming in VR with us costs €37.50 per playfield per hour. However, this is without any guidance. Also, this is only possible if you are already known to us and we have explained how to switch between games yourself.
However, the prices for VR usually depend on a number of factors: the chosen game format, the time period, the number of people in a booking and the number of playing spaces you want to reserve. For the exact prices on each type of booking, we advise that you go to our booking page .
When you book the VR Experience, you can play all 45+ games and experiences that we offer in our VR cafe. You can switch between games yourself (after permission and explanation). Other products, such as VR Racing or VR Laser Tag, are separate options. So, when you book the VR Experience, you reserve all games excluding other products. Do you still want to experience all the different options on the same day? In that case, make a special appointment with the staff. This can be done by contacting us by phone or by stopping by.
You can book a VR experience by filling out the booking form. You can also call +31 (0)23 234 0606 or email [email protected].
De activiteit
A VR experience is a simulation or game in the virtual world. We have a range of 45+ different games and experience in our VRcafe. These experiences can be divided into the genres of sports, action, racing, adventure, story/role playing games, puzzles, survival, shooters, creative games, horror, rhythm and exploration. When you book the VR Experience with us, you are completely free to do whatever you want. So you can play your favorite game over and over again or change games infinitely.
In addition to the VR Experience, you can play VR Racing and VR Laser Gaming. We can also put together a perfect VR experience on location.
On our website, you can find a page with all our games, including the categories they belong to. Curious about all the games? Click here to view them.
The VR experience is suitable for anyone aged 8 and above, although some games may not be suitable for children due to their scary nature. However, there are plenty of games that are fun for children, and we will be happy to help you choose the right games.
Yes, you can. There are a large number of games available that are suitable for playing together, so you can play against your friends or colleagues.
Yes, it is possible to book a VR experience as a gift for someone else. You can purchase a gift voucher or make a booking directly for the person you want to give the gift to.
Yes, it is possible to get food and drinks during the VR experience. There is a small snack bar available with a selection of snacks and beverages.
Je hoeft niks mee te nemen. Wij zorgen voor alle benodigde uitrusting, zoals VR-brillen en computers.
Yes, there is always guidance available to ensure everything runs smoothly and to answer any questions you may have.
Yes, it is possible to take photos during the VR experience.
There is no specific dress code for visiting VRcafe, but it is recommended to wear comfortable clothing as you will be making movements during the VR experience.
Yes, there is a parking garage (Station Haarlem) next to VRcafe, and the train and bus station are right in front of the door. VRcafe is easily accessible by car or public transportation.